Regular Events


LEARN KARATE - Training for all ages.

For Further information contact Wayne Butler 07890 349451 - email:

Millennium Community Centre.

The Cost is £2 for Children and £2.50 for Adults

Sunday at 10.00 am - 11.30am and Friday at 7.00pm - 8.30 pm


The Moreton, Outwoods and Bromstead Women's Institute meet in the Moreton Millennium Community Hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 2pm.

All ladies of any age are welcome. We have interesting speakers and refreshments.


The Social Club is open again. Every Wednesday, and Saturday initially, 8pm to 11pm.

Usual selection of drinks available, including draught ale Guinness.

Table service and distancing as per guidelines. Open to all residents, hope to see you there.


Time: 12.00 until 2.30pm. We meet every third Thursday of the month.

If you would like to join our friendly group for light refreshments and a chat, please ring Jill Boulton on 07801 215 698

(Admission £4)


The Millennium Hall Moreton

Every third Tuesday at 7.30pm - visitors welcome.

Refreshments, raffle and quiz

Entrance is £3.00 on the door

Members £2.00

Moreton Millennium Hall Community Centre

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